Thank You for Your Donation

Thank you for your support of the Montgomery County Renters Alliance, Inc. Your donation will help us build an advocacy organization that, for the first time, gives renters an organized voice in county affairs. The Renters Alliance is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization. Donations to the Renters Alliance are tax deductible.

The Renters Alliance believes that renters are a critical part of the social, economic and political fabric of the county. Renters should not live in fear of abusive landlords, being priced out by unfair rent hikes or threatened with eviction without just cause. Our campaign for renter security and equality is just beginning. You are now part of that effort and we are grateful for your support.

With your help, we will be able to take the first steps toward building the Renters Alliance so that our voices are heard loud and clear. I look forward to your continued support and participation in making Montgomery County the most renter friendly place to live in the Country. And please tell your neighbors: “Join the Renters Alliance.” Thank you.


Matt Losak
Executive Director

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Support the Alliance

Your donations go to supporting Renters Alliance services and programs while building a stronger voice for renters.

The Montgomery County Renters Alliance, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization. All donations are tax deductible.